
The Statute of Limitations for Natural Disasters in Florida | UCS

Written by joe suskind | Jan 29, 2020 1:29:47 PM

If a natural disaster has stricken your home in the state of Florida, the last thing you want to think about is how much you have lost from it, which can make you decide to wait until the last minute to file a claim with your insurance for the damages it caused.

There is a statute of limitations in Florida for damages sustained by a hurricane or windstorm of three years. Other types of property damage in the state usually give you a period of five years to make your claim.

What is a Statute of Limitations?

Usually, when you hear that term it is in regard to the time period of which a legal action can occur. Since an insurance policy is essentially a legal contract, in this case, the statute of limitations refers to the amount of time you legally have to act upon your legal agreement to file your insurance claim.

The Problem with Waiting

If your insurance company denies your claim following a disaster, or pays you much less than you are owed, you are within your rights to challenge them. However, the timeframe you have to settle this begins on the day the damages occurred. So, if you wait too long to file your claim, or supplement your claim, you could potentially run out of time and end up losing out on the settlement your insurance company owes you.

Common Property Damage Claims in Florida

Hurricane damage claims are unfortunately one of the most common property damage claims in the state. Hurricanes can lead to flood damage, water damage, mold, and windstorm damage,among other things. Water damage comes with hurricanes, as well as flooding and backed up sewage. This damage can lead to rotting wood, rusting steel, mold, mildew, and other types of damage. Check your policy to see what your insurance covers..

Being Prepared

If you live in Florida and have the potential of being struck by a hurricane, take the time to meet with your insurance agent to ensure you are covered for anything that might hit you. Look closely at the exclusions in your policy and ask your agent about them and any potential coverage you can add to cover those exclusions.

Hurricane Irma Insurance Claims

It is hard to believe that it has been nearly three years ago Hurricane Irma made landfall and wreaked havoc on the state of Florida, sending 77,000 people to shelters to ride out the storm, and costing approximately $50 billion in damages. Hurricane Irma made landfall on September 10, 2017, so its three-year mark to file a claim is rapidly approaching, but it is not too late to file your initial claim, supplemental claim, or even fight your denied claim..